Sex Criminals #3


creators: Matt Fraction & Chip Zdarsky
release date: November 2013
publisher: Image Comics

So, I’m embarrassed it took me this long. Thank goodness it’s in its third printing and I’m not the only one loving this series.

After Jon and Suzie’s “origin stories,” for lack of better term, they are fully sharing this third issue, but in all honesty, it doesn’t really get us anywhere. We see how Jon lost his virginity–funny, but not necessarily important;  Suzie does a musical number–even funnier, since the creators apparently tried and failed to acquire song lyrics, but also, not crucial to the story line; and we see how the scheme to steal money from the bank in order to save the library is born. More important, but we all probably figured it out by now. In short, this issue brings us fully into the present, tying up all those story-within-a-story elements, but not until the final pages.

Sex Criminals 3 page

While the “Sex Police” finally meet up with Suzie and Jon–and this issue probably holds the record number of sex toys/antagonist being hit in the head with said sex toys–I am officially ready for this story to get started. Fraction’s humor and Zdarsky’s art work phenomenally together, and I appreciate a series that is happy to take its time and tell a story–but three issues later, I’m ready to add this to my pull list and start moving forward with it.

Here’s hoping it’s not another two months before I read the next issue.

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