Day: May 5, 2020

Rogue & Gambit: Ring of Fire

by Kelly Thompson, Pere Perez & Frank D’Amarta; covers by Kris Anka
collects Rogue & Gambit #1-5
volume reviews: rogue & gambit – one | mr&mrs – one | two [complete]

In her Goodreads review, Anne calls this book a rom-com(ic) and she couldn’t be more spot on. Even though the plot and villain only serve to give Rogue and Gambit some couple time, it’s a charming and genuine exploration of two people who love each other, but have a lot of history, their own issues, and don’t fully realize how much they’ve hurt, but also how much they mean, to each other. The “couples’ retreat paradise” is, of course, a front for something more villainous, but it’s also a setup for Rogue and Gambit to work through their issues and confront their past selves, literally.

This is a must for Rogue and Gambit fans – I first became R&G fans from the animated series, and I heard their voices the entire time. Thompson has a lock on their individual voices and witty banter together, and it’s a delight. (Gambit’s French pet names for Rogue are adorable.) The story draws on a few moments from past comics I hadn’t read, but it’s still easy enough to enjoy. (I’m now using this handy guide to go back and read some of those comics – and yep, those outfits were all real.) Thompson beautifully balances the amusement of Remy and Rogue in therapy, and a thoroughly contrived villain, with a genuine and thoughtful arc as they learn to become more vulnerable and understand one another. It’s rather thin at times, but on the whole, it works.

Kris Anka is one of my favorite comic book artists and he just does magic with these covers. The man draws romantic stuff like no one else. I mean LOOK AT THIS. MAGIC.

(note: I think #5 is an homage to X-Men #24’s cover by Andy Kubert!)

When Anka’s online store is up again this year I hope “Rogue and Gambit wallpaper” is a purchasable item. But I don’t mean detract from Pere Perez’s work which is also gorgeous, especially the fight scenes with tons of past Rogues and Gambits, and D’Amarta does a lovely job with the colors. All around this is a fun and easy book that I really enjoyed, and looking forward to more in Thompson’s Mr. & Mrs. X.