Day: December 11, 2020

When Stars Are Scattered

by Omar Mohamed and Victoria Jamieson

This is one powerful memoir, chronicling Omar Mohamed’s childhood in a Kenyan refugee camp. Omar and his nonverbal brother Hassan were forced to flee Somalia, their father killed and mother missing; the story begins seven years later, living in the refugee camp Dadaab with their foster mother. Omar is given an opportunity to go to school – and with it, a sliver of hope that he and his brother might be resettled – and Omar must learn to balance the incredible challenges of surviving in a refugee camp, learning in school, and taking care of his brother.

So many words come to mind that are true, but might come across as trite – powerful, moving, heartbreaking. It’s a reminder – for those of us privileged enough to forget – that millions of displaced people live in refugee camps, without basic necessities or the ability to leave. That millions of children, especially girls, don’t have the same access to an education and to pursue their dreams.

Omar’s story, told beautifully with Victoria Jamieson, feels genuine and authentic, and really takes its time to show his life in the refugee camp, as well as the stories of his brother, foster mother, friends and neighbors. While it’s certainly not an easy read, it’s definitely appropriate – and I would say even required reading – for younger readers. Some questions, like the meaning of the single word Hassan speaks, and what happened that horrific day in Somalia, are saved to the end, very emotional and compelling storytelling. And Jamieson’s art is phenomenal – simple but very effective – and the colors are stunning.

Not unlike Almost American Girl (though with very different stakes), the existence of the memoir itself suggests a happy ending, so hopefully it’s not too much of a spoiler to include that Mohamed is the founder of the nonprofit Refugee Strong, whose mission is to “empower refugee communities by providing support and hope through education.” I hope Mohamed’s story and his organization continues to inspire meaningful action for refugees in Africa and around the world.